Have you ever heard the phrase, “just because it feels good doesn’t mean it’s good for you”? The real question is, can too much procrastination lead to health problems?
When it comes to putting off tasks, one out of every five people has a habit of waiting until the last minute. Everyone procrastinates, but if you’re part of this statistic, there could be significant consequences.
“Chronic procrastinators” will postpone pretty much anything. They often think they work better under pressure. Working in a time crunch can sometimes lead to good results if you’re lucky, but not usually for mental and physical health.
According to studies, procrastination can often result in:
- Higher levels of guilt and anxiety
- Low self-confidence and energy
- Depression
The Battle in Your Mind
When someone waits to complete a task, they start a battle in their brain. This is a hard fight between the prefrontal cortex (which keeps you on task) and the limbic system (which rewards you for completing tasks).
The hard part for a procrastinator is how difficult it is to choose the option with less immediate reward. Every time someone chooses pleasure, they feel the pull of half their brain telling them no. When they get addicted to the reward system of waiting, they get stuck constantly feeling shame. Chronic procrastination can lead to chronic guilt.
How to Start on the Right Track
Scientists have found through many studies that tangible goals reduce the likelihood of procrastination. The way someone sees a task dramatically impacts how they will perform it.
Having a solid vision of your goal makes it much easier to muster up the motivation to go after it. Why would you work hard toward something if you have no idea how it would end up?
So, can too much procrastination lead to health problems? There are no studies that show procrastination is good for your health. Give your brain a break and go on a dopamine detox. The things you enjoy more than your work might be much more enjoyable without a looming to-do list.
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