Financial Survival Tips

Easiest loans

Easiest Loans To Get Approved For

There are plenty of reasons why you would need a loan. Whether it's planning for large purchases, home repairs, emergencies, or paying off debt-...
You're spending too much money

You’re Spending Too Much Money On These Things

You know the feeling: You check your bank account and you're shocked. You start to wonder if you got robbed because the number is...
best cell phone plans

Best Cell Phone Plans For Broke College Students

College is the first frontier for many young adults. It's probably the first time students have been on their own, which means it's their...
Get rid of student debt

Get Rid of Student Debt FAST With These Tips

Today, over 66% of college students in the US graduate with loans to pay off soon after. Most students need to take out loans...
too much for clothes

You’re Paying Way Too Much Money For Your Clothes

Everyone loves a solid shopping spree. In one way or another, most people get enjoyment out of buying new clothes and rocking them the...
save money college student

Ways To Save Money As a Full-Time College Student Living On-Campus

18 credit hours, weekly exams, reading, papers- any college student reading these words understands the time-consuming workload it takes to achieve the degree of...
On-Campus Jobs

Best On-Campus Jobs to Help You Make Money During School

Paying for a college degree is hard. That's not to mention car insurance, meals, and other everyday expenses that pile up. Every college student...
free laptops

Schools are Now Offering FREE Laptops for Students

Technology is a great tool for students. Modern technology allows students to dive head-first into learning more efficiently and with far more resources. Laptops...

The Secret To Getting Promoted Quickly

CEOs, managers, and many other people want to unlock the secret to getting promoted quickly. Many people want to get promoted as fast as...
choose college

Big, Small, Or Online? How To Choose The Perfect College For You

Going to college comes with a lot of decisions to make. Should you attend the school with the bustling campus, or do you need...

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